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24 de abril de 2004

PhD in Visual Perception

Mechanisms of Shading and Texture Analysis in Perception of 3-D Surfaces
School of Life & Health Sciences ::: Neurosciences Research Institute

Applications are invited for a 3-year research studentship to study human vision, funded by the EPSRC, leading to the degree of Ph.D.

The studentship forms part of an EPSRC research project held jointly by Professor Mark Georgeson (Aston University) and Dr Andrew Schofield (University of Birmingham). The studentship will be based at Aston University in Birmingham, supervised by Mark Georgeson, in a high quality (RAE grade 5) research-led department. The stipend is £10,500 per year, and all tuition fees will be paid up to the level charged for a UK student. The student will be registered for a Ph.D, subject to satisfactory progress in the first year.

Start date is negotiable between 1st April 2004 and 1st October 2004 at the latest.

Candidates should hold (or expect to hold) a good Honours degree (first, or good 2.1) in a relevant discipline (e.g. Psychology, Optometry, Physiology, Physics, Computer Science), and should have an interest in the analysis of visual processes through psychophysical experiments and computational modelling. Mathematical and computing skills, including some programming experience, would be advantageous.

Applicants should provide a clear statement about their research interests, either on the application form or in an attached letter or CV. Applicants should also include contact details of at at least two (and preferably three) academic referees who can be contacted.

Informal enquiries to Mark Georgeson by email: m.a.georgeson@aston.ac.uk

There is no specific closing date, but early application is advised.

For application form and further details write to
Clare Cashman, Neurosciences Research Institute,
Aston University, Birmingham B4 7ET, U.K., or:
Email: cashmanc@email.aston.ac.uk Tel: 0121 359 3611 ext.5173 quoting reference number ST04/100.

For general information about:
Aston University: http://www.aston.ac.uk
School of Life & Health Sciences: http://www.aston.ac.uk/lhs/research/
Vision Research Group: http://www.aston.ac.uk/lhs/research/nri/vrg/
Midlands Vision Group: http://www.bham.ac.uk/mvg
City of Birmingham: http://www.birmingham.org.uk/

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