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3 de mayo de 2004

Assistant professor position (C1) in behavioral ecology

The position is available beginning from July 1st 2004 for 3 years (renewable for another 3 years) at the LM University in Munich, Department Biology II

Scientific field of interest should lay in behavioral ecology of either social insects or evolutionary processes such as coevolution or sexual selection. The successful candidate should have already established an excellent publication record in behavioral ecology and should be able to conduct independent research. The appointee will be able to set up its own research group. Excellent up-to-date facilities are found at the new High tech Campus in Munich / Großhadern, where the laboratory will be based. Teaching of basic and advanced classes in evolutionary ecology are required. Successful candidates must hold a Ph D and be no older than 35 years. Persons with disabilities are encouraged to apply.

Applications including CV, publication record, recommendations and scientific plans should be sent until

June 1st 2004


Prof. Dr. Susanne Foitzik
currently from 1st of July 2004
Lehrstuhl für Biology 1 Abteilung Verhaltensökologie
University of Regensburg Lehrstuhl für Ökologie
93040 Regensburg Department Biology II
Germany University of Munich
Großhadener Str. 2
81377 München

or per e-mail to: Susanne.Foitzik@biologie.uni-regensburg.de

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