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4 de mayo de 2004

Curso de Algas en Canadá
Spaces are still available for our "algae-inclusive" Bamfield Marine Sciences Station field course offering, "Epiphytic and Lithic Plant Communities of Coastal Temperate Rainforests", (July 5 to July 23rd ) for undergrad and graduate students interested in bio-diverse old-growth temperate rainforest canopy communities (subaerial), as well as marine cliffs.

All aspects of this course will be conducted at or around the Bamfield Marine Sciences Center, located along the rugged outer exposed rocky coast of British Columbia, Canada. Tuition costs, and housing information can be accessed at , and course credits are eligible for transfer.

Application materials must be received by the final enrollment deadline (extended) of May 14th, 2004.

Apologies for cross-posting


Epiphytic and Lithic Plant Communities of Coastal Temperate Rainforests (Special Topics)

(UVic MRNE 402 P80 TT# 24465; UC MRSC 501.36) 3 weeks, 5 July - 23 July
This course will examine form, function and conservation of biologically diverse epiphytic and lithic lower plants (algae, bryophytes, ferns and fungi), prominent in coastal rainforest communities. Laboratory studies will emphasize current methods of identification (taxonomic, chemical, molecular), while field studies, conducted on and around canopy platforms and marine cliffs, will stress ecological importance. Independent projects will provide further opportunity for students to explore aspects of their unique ecology in the Barkley Sound region.

Introductory courses in ecology, botany or permission of instructor.
Dr. Andrew Swanson, Case Western Reserve University

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