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3 de mayo de 2004

Lab technician position (BAT VIb) in behavioral ecology

This permanent position is available beginning from July 1st 2004 at the LM University in Munich, Department Biology II, Behavioral Ecology group, which is based at the new High tech Campus in Munich / Großhadern

The scientific focus of this newly founded research group is on the evolution and behavioral ecology of social insects, in particular on the coevolutionary dynamics of slavemaking ants and their hosts, sexual selection and sex ratios. We utilize a variety of different methods from molecular biology (PCR and sequencing) to chemical ecology
(gaschromatography) and behavioral observations. Experience in these methods are an advantage. Ecological field work, especially in the US is possible. An interest in scientific work is expected. The responsibilities also includes the laboratory organisation and maintenance of ant colonies. Experience with computers and some knowledge of the English is expected.

Applications sent until June 1st 2004 to

Prof. Dr. Susanne Foitzik
currently from 1st of July 2004
Lehrstuhl für Biology 1 Abteilung Verhaltensökologie
University of Regensburg Lehrstuhl für Ökologie
93040 Regensburg Department Biology II
Germany University of Munich
Großhadener Str. 2
81377 München

or per e-mail to: Susanne.Foitzik@biologie.uni-regensburg.de

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