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3 de mayo de 2004

Ph D position on "Coevolution in slavemaking ants and their hosts"

The position is available beginning from July 1st 2004 for 1 � years
(renewable) at the LM University in Munich, Department Biology II, Behavioral Ecology group

Social parasites exploit similar to avian brood parasites the brood care behaviour of their host species and especially slavemaking ants such as Protomognathus americanus obligatory depend on their hosts throughout their life. This can lead to tight evolutionary interactions between slavemaking and host populations, the intensity of which depends on parasite pressure and the community structure. The coevolutionary dynamics between social parasites and their hosts are studied in this project on a North American model system in respect to behavioral adaptations, ecological impact and the population genetic background. The successful candidate should have a solid background in behavioral ecology and be interested to use a variety of approaches such as genetic, chemical, ecological and behavioural methods. Longer field stays in the US and Canada are required for this project. The laboratory is based at the new High tech Campus in Munich / Gro�hadern.

Applications including CV, Diplom or Master thesis and resulting publications and recommendations should be sent until

June 1st 2004

to Prof. Dr. Susanne Foitzik
currently from 1st of July 2004
Lehrstuhl f�r Biology 1 Abteilung Verhaltens�kologie
University of Regensburg Lehrstuhl f�r �kologie
93040 Regensburg Department Biology II
Germany University of Munich
Gro�hadener Str. 2
81377 M�nchen

or per e-mail to: Susanne.Foitzik@biologie.uni-regensburg.de

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