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6 de mayo de 2004

Postdoctoral Research Fellowships (2 posts)

School of Life and Health Sciences

£18,893 to £26,327 per annum

Applications are invited for two European Commission-funded postdoctoral fellowships to work with Dr Roslyn Bill http://www.aston.ac.uk/lhs/staff/billrm/ to develop generic solutions for producing membrane proteins for structural analysis.

The successful candidates will be part of a new five year European Integrated Project and should hold a PhD in molecular biology, microbiology or biochemistry, preferably with postdoctoral experience in membrane protein production.

This post is offered as an 18 months fixed term contract in the first instance and then following a review and subject to funding it may be extended for a further 27 months duration.

Applications details are available by telephoning +44 (0)121 359 0870 (24 hour answerphone),
or by email: b.a.power@aston.ac.uk,
quoting reference number R04/88/99.

Closing date for receipt of applications: Monday 31st May 2004

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