University of Reading: Research Studentships - October 2004 ~

31 de mayo de 2004

University of Reading: Research Studentships - October 2004

Department of Soil Science
Research studentships are offered within the departments of Archaeology (RAE Grade 5*), Geography (RAE Grade 4) and Soil Science (RAE Grade 5) within the School of Human and Environmental Sciences. There are 8 research studentships on offer for 2004, 3 NERC, 2 ESRC and 3 University awards.
3 University of Reading, Research Endowment Trust Fund PhD Awards are available for the following projects:
Impact of sewage sludge applications on the biogeochemistry of soils. Dr M.E. Hodson and Dr K. Purdy.
Soil quality indicators in forestry - testing thresholds. Professor S. Nortcliff, Dr A. Moffat and Dr E. Vanguelova (Forest Research).
Quantifying soil carbon exchange in a lowland woodland. Dr M Wood and Dr A. Verhoef.

In addition, 2 NERC PhD Awards are available for any two of the following projects:

The influence of earthworms on the physical and chemical weathering of soil minerals. Dr M.E. Hodson.
The use of ochre to remediate As contaminated soil. Dr M.E. Hodson and Dr G.P. Warren.
Behavioural, physiological and genetic variation in L. Rubellus in soils. Dr M.E. Hodson and Professor John Morgan (Cardiff University).
Development of a novel sensor for monitoring continuous time series of stomatal conductance. Dr A. Verhoef and Dr L.P. Simmonds.
Net CO2 exchange at the 'landscape' scale. Dr A. Verhoef and Dr B. Reynolds (CEH Bangor).
Towards disentangling the complex effects of biophysical factors on soil CO2 efflux. Dr A. Verhoef and Dr M. Wood.
Processes controlling the eutrophication of fen wetlands. Dr J.S. Robinson.
Microbially mediated dissolution of bone meal for sustainable crop production. Dr J.S. Robinson and Professor P. Leinweber (University of Rostock, Germany).

How to find out more details and to apply
You can obtain more details and apply on line via our web site at
You may also request paper copies of these details from:

Mrs Elizabeth Wyeth,
Geoscience Building,
School of Human and Environmental Sciences,
University of Reading,
PO Box 227,
Reading, RG6 6AB
( uk)
You may also wish to contact the supervisors directly by visiting the web sites above and following links to the staff. We also welcome applications from those students who have their own funding or who wish to pursue topics that are not listed above.

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