HIV/TB Research Programme in Malawi
Department of Infectious and Tropical Diseases
A public health / biomedical scientist with experience in project management is sought to lead field activities of the Karonga Prevention Study, a large and long-standing research programme based in Karonga District, a rural area in northern Malawi. The programme is currently funded primarily by the Wellcome Trust, and is associated with the London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine.
The programme’s major activities include studies on HIV, tuberculosis, demography, and immune responses to vaccines, and it is becoming involved in introducing antiretrovirals to HIV-infected individuals in the district, in coordination with the Malawi Ministry of Health and Population scale up plan (
The Field Director will be responsible for coordinating the work of 8 senior and 90 technical and support staff, to ensure optimal utilisation of facilities for the programme’s research and service activities in Karonga District. S/he will contribute to planning, development and implementation of all research studies, and have responsibility for priority setting in Malawi. The Field Director also has an important role in representing the project at all levels within Malawi and at international meetings.
The appointment, which will be at lecturer or senior lecturer level, will commence as soon as possible. Potential candidates are encouraged to contact Prof Paul Fine ( for further details.
An application form and further particulars are available from the Personnel Officer, London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine, Keppel Street London WC1E 7HT; telephone: 020 7927 2203 (24 hour answering service); fax 020 7636 4771; e-mail Please quote ref. PF51.
Closing date for applications is July 16 2004.
The London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine is committed to being an equal opportunities employer.
19 de junio de 2004
London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine: Field Director