PhD Studentships ~

10 de junio de 2004

PhD Studentships

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MRC Capacity Building PhD studentship in Whole Animal Physiology

An MRC funded studentship of 3 years duration is available to start from September 2004. This award is the result of a joint initiative between staff in the Schools of Biological Sciences and Medicine. The Schools have 5*/5 rated research groups covering a broad spectrum of research programmes. In addition to specific research projects, the successful applicant will learn a range of appropriate discipline-specific and generic skills through our Graduate Training Programme. The following is a list of MRC-funded studentship themes available for 2004 start.

Whole Animal Physiology

Cardiac/Reproductive/Imaging: P N Baker, Anthony Heagerty, Risto Kauppinen, L Neyes, Colin Sibley
Endocrine/Neuroendocrine: Richard Balment, Julian Davis, Simon Luckman, Colin Smith, Anne White
Neurobiology of Mammalian Biological Clocks: Andrew Loudon, Rob Lucas, Hugh Piggins

Candidates should have, or expect to gain, a First Class or Upper Second Class Honours degree in an appropriate subject. Funding is limited to EU citizens. Studentships will cover tuition fees (all EU citizens) and a maintenance grant (UK citizens only).

Applicants should send a completed application form with two academic references to:-

Dr Anna Lawless, Graduate Administrator
School of Biological Sciences,
The University of Manchester,
1.30 Stopford Building,
Oxford Road,
Manchester M13 9PT UK

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