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[Neutron] Vacancy / Post-doctoral research associate
Post-doctoral research associate position at ILL
The Institut Laue-Langevin (ILL) is an international fundamental
research institute funded by France, Germany and the United Kingdom.
Agreements on scientific collaboration have also been signed with
Austria, the Czech Republic, Italy, Russia, Spain and Switzerland. The
Institute operates the most powerful source of neutrons in the world
which forms the basis for a programme of research covering a wide
variety of fields, supplying neutrons to a broad range of instruments
which are available to scientists from the member countries.
ILL currently has an opening for a Research Associate in its 3He
Neutron Spin Filter (NSF) group. The post represents an excellent
opportunity for a young postdoctoral scientist to develop his/her
expertise, broaden his/her experience and interact with leading
scientists from around the world. Contractual exchange within the frame
of the NMI3 - NSF Joint Research Activity (NSF-JRA) will further
facilitate exchange with alternative projects and techniques like Spin
Exchange Optical Pumping.
In the last decade, the development of very practical and powerful
lasers has allowed high spin polarisation of the 3He gas to be
routinely achieved through optical pumping. In parallel, the
development of polarisation-preserving compressors, appropriate glass
containers and magneto-static cavities has allowed pioneering use of
gaseous Neutron Spin Filters at appropriate pressure on various
selected neutron spectrometers in Europe. This programme now underpins
various ambitious spin resolved neutron experiments/instruments.
The successful candidate will be a highly motivated scientist with a
PhD in Physics and a solid background in IR optical pumping. He/she
will be expected to further develop and improve TYREX, our world-class
MEOP 3He polariser, as well as to monitor closely the progress made
elsewhere with alternative techniques (polarisation preserving
compressors, spin-exchange optical pumping). He/she will act in close
collaboration with neutron scattering scientists interested in many
aspects of polarimetric neutron scattering science, at the cutting-edge
of nano-science, magnetism, superconductivity, nuclear and fundamental
The successful candidate will be offered a fixed-term 18-month contract
(6 to 18 months extension conceivable) funded mainly by the EU Sixth
Framework Programme (FP6).
Further information on the NSF-JRA is available from the EU-Neutron
portal at http://www.neutron-eu.net/jra/. General information on ILL
instrumentation and neutron-science programme can be seen at
http://www.ill.fr/ or by contacting the NSF-JRA co-ordinator Dr. E.
Leli�vre-Berna (+33/0 476207748 - lelievre at ill.fr) and the Head of the
Neutron Optics Group Dr. K. Andersen (+33/0 476207137 -
andersen at ill.fr). An application with curriculum vitae, a list of
publications and the names of two academic referees should be sent,
quoting reference 04/21, no later than 30.06.2004 to:
Dr. E. Leli�vre-Berna -
OFER-TRABEC es gestionado por el Servicio de Informaci�n de Ayudas y Becas
(SIAB) de la Fundacio Catalana per a la Recerca. - (http://www.fcr.es).