Postdoctoral Position: Plant Evolution and Elevated CO2 ~

23 de junio de 2004

Postdoctoral Position: Plant Evolution and Elevated CO2

( es una gentileza de:
Centro de Información Administrativa del MAP
FCR/SIAB (Fundacio Catalana per la Recerca) y
Centro de Comunicaciones RedIRIS
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Procedencia: Peter Tiffin


Postdoctoral Position: Plant Evolution and Elevated CO2

A postdoctoral position to investigate the effect atmospheric CO2 concentration has on patterns of selection and the genetic basis of phenotypic variation will soon be available in my lab. This research will examine patterns of selection on phenotypic and eco-physiological traits of
Arabidopsis thaliana grown in ambient and elevated CO2 environments. The
fieldwork will be conducted within and existing free-air CO2 enrichment
(FACE) experiment at Cedar Creek Natural History Area near the Univ. of Minnesota. Recombinant inbred lines of A. thaliana will be used to allow for mapping of QTL underlying phenotypic variation. This is an NSF-funded collaborative research project among Ruth Shaw, Peter Reich, and me.

The basic requirements are a Ph.D. in some aspect of evolutionary biology or ecology and experience or interest in selection analyses, quantitative genetics, QTL mapping, and large field-experiments. The start date is flexible.

To apply send (e-mail is fine) a CV, a statement of research interests, and names and contact information for three references. Review of applicants will begin August 1st and continue until the position is filled.

If you have questions please contact me ( Ruth Shaw and I will also be at the Evolution meetings in Fort Collins.

Peter Tiffin
Dept. of Plant Biology
University of Minnesota
St Paul, MN 55108-1095 USA

Phone: 612 624-7406
FAX: 612 625-1738

The University of Minnesota/Plant Biology is an equal opportunity educator and employer.

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