Técnico de Investigación ~ Bioblogia.net

4 de junio de 2004

Técnico de Investigación

RESEARCH TECHNICIAN position in avian behavioral ecology through the
School of Life Sciences at Arizona State University. Candidates should
have earned a B.S. degree in Biology or a related field. He/she will
(a) assist in field studies of local songbird populations, (b)
coordinate laboratory activities aimed at identifying colorful pigments
and assaying immunocompetence in birds, and (c) help maintain and
conduct physiological studies on captive birds. For more information
about our research on bird coloration, visit
Experience handling and monitoring wild songbirds and laboratory
experience in biochemistry or immunology preferred. Target starting
date for the position is 1 September 2004. For the official job
advertisement, visit

Send cover letter summarizing your qualifications and interests,
curriculum vitae, and the names and contact information of three
references to: Arizona State University, P.O. Box 875612, Tempe, AZ
85287-5612. Reference SR# O-115559 in your application. Email
submissions are accepted (resumes@asu.edu). Direct further inquiries
about the position to Dr. Kevin McGraw (Kevin.McGraw@asu.edu).
Application deadline is 16 June 2004; if not filled, biweekly
thereafter until the position is closed. Arizona State University is
an Affirmative Action/Equal Opportunity Employer.
Dr. Kevin McGraw
Post-doctoral associate
Department of Animal Science
University of California-Davis
One Shields Avenue
Davis, CA 95616

Phone: (530) 752-2401
FAX: (530) 752-0175
Email: Kevin.McGraw@asu.edu
Webpages: http://sols.asu.edu/faculty/kmcgraw.php

Dr. Kevin J. McGraw
Assistant Professor
School of Life Sciences
Arizona State University
P.O. Box 874501
Tempe, AZ 85287-4501

Kevin McGraw

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