Voluntarios con Ballenas ~ Bioblogia.net

3 de junio de 2004

Voluntarios con Ballenas

The University of Queensland is seeking applications from volunteers to help with fieldwork on humpback whales in 2004. As in 2002 and 2003, fieldwork for HARC, the Humpback Acoustic Research Collaboration, will take place during the whales' southward migration in September and October.

HARC is a large collaborative study involving the Australian Defence Science and Technology Organisation (DSTO), the Scripps Institution of Oceanography (SIO), the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution (WHOI), the University of Queensland, and guest researchers from the Universities of Newcastle and Sydney. The project is funded by the US Office of Naval Research and DSTO. In 2004 fieldwork will take place from 18 September to 31 October at Peregian Beach, approximately 140km north of Brisbane.

HARC is a multi-disciplinary study of the passing whales during their southward migration and involves several simultaneous, coordinated projects. Projects that will involve volunteers include the collection of behavioural and positional data from a land station, the acoustic recording and tracking of singers using an array of hydrophone buoys moored offshore, and the boat-based collection of photo-IDs, biopsies and behavioural data. Other projects include the recording of ambient sea and surf noise (SIO) and the tagging of some individual whales with DTAGs, digital tags that record acoustic, depth and movement data (WHOI).

Volunteers for HARC should be available for the entire 6 week study. This project will suit young scientists with genuine interests in humpback whale behaviour, behavioural ecology, acoustics, and communication.

Successful applicants will:

- have a mature attitude towards marine mammal research

- be able to live and work constructively with others in a team

- have a good level of physical fitness

- be a competent swimmer

- not have fussy dietary requirements (vegetarians excepted!)

- be able to concentrate for long periods

Preference will be given to those who:

- have a degree in biology, marine science, or veterinary science

- have previous marine mammal field experience

- have previously used a theodolite

Applicants should send an email introducing themselves to Michael Noad , Dave Paton , Ceri Morris , Josh Smith , and Becca Dunlop . The email should include:

- confirmation that you will be available for the duration of the project

- a brief CV (usually as an attachment)

- contact details of two referees (usually contained in the attached CV)

Applications should be submitted before the end of June.


Michael Noad BVSc PhD

Lecturer Veterinary Anatomy

School of Veterinary Science

University of Queensland

St Lucia, Qld 4072, Australia

Ph. +61 7 3365 2088 Mob. 0416-270567

Fax. +61 7 3365 1255 Email

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