Fellowships in the BATMARE ~ Bioblogia.net

26 de julio de 2004

Fellowships in the BATMARE

EU citizens who are currently enrolled in PhD programmes outside Norway are invited to apply for fellowships (3-12 months) to conduct research (and eventually take courses) at the "Bergen Advanced Training Site in Marine Ecology" (BATMARE) as part of their PhD studies.

BATMARE offers interdisciplinary doctoral education and training through research on marine processses, ecosystems and interactions, covering the range from microbial ecology to macroplankton and fish, and from physical and organismal processes to ecosystem dynamics.

BATMARE is a "Marie Curie Training Site" funded by the European Commission and hosted by the University of Bergen, Norway.

Proposals are accepted and evaluated continuously.
Further information and application form available at www.uib.no/batmare

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