Tenure-Track Position ~ Bioblogia.net

21 de julio de 2004

Tenure-Track Position

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Procedencia: Eric Rexstad e.rexstad@uaf.edu


The Department of Biology and Wildlife and the Institute of Arctic Biology at the University of Alaska Fairbanks seeks applications for a tenure-track position in Wildlife Ecology at any level. Applicants must have earned a Ph.D. in Wildlife Ecology or a closely related discipline. Postdoctoral and teaching experience, a strong record of extramural funding, the ability to supervise graduate students, to collaborate with fellow faculty, and to interact with state and federal resource management agencies are preferred.

We seek a broadly trained mammalian ecologist to conduct quantitative research that addresses basic and applied questions relevant to sustainability, harvested species, or predator-prey systems that have applicability at the state, national, and international levels. This position is 50% research and requires a teaching load of two courses per year, to include an undergraduate wildlife course and development and collaboration on graduate offerings. Numerous field stations and laboratory facilities are available at IAB to conduct research on captive and wild animals, including the R.G. White Large Animal Research Station, Animal Quarters, Toolik Field Station, Bonanza Creek LTER site, Spatial Ecology Laboratory, Alaska Center for Environmental Statistics, Alaska Geobotany Center, and the DNA Sequencing Core Facility. Extensive collections are available for study at the Univ. of Alaska Museum. The successful candidate will have the opportunity to interact and collaborate with 30 faculty studying a diverse array of topics. The Biology and Wildlife department has approximately 300 undergraduate and 110 graduate students, including 40 Ph.D. students. Applicants are encouraged to consult the Institute/departmental website, and faculty profiles at http://mercury.bio.uaf.edu before applying.

Applications will be reviewed starting 17 September 2004. Please provide an applicant form (http://www.alaska.edu/hr/forms/PDF_ent/applicant_form_ent.pdf), cover letter, curriculum vitae, statement of research interests, statement of teaching interests, letters from 3 references and submit to: Eric Rexstad, C/O UAF Human Resources, P.O. Box 757860, Fairbanks, Alaska 99775-7860, Phone (907) 474-7700, Fax (907) 474-5859. Please reference: PCN#20245, REQ# FF20424501 . If you have specific questions about this announcement, please contact Eric Rexstad, (907) 474-7159, e.rexstad@uaf.edu.

The University of Alaska Fairbanks is an Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Employer and Educational Institution. Women, protected, and minority applicants are encouraged to apply.

This ad is also available in the 16 July issue of Science, and The Wildlife Society job board

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