The Fifth Winemiller Symposium ~

25 de agosto de 2004

The Fifth Winemiller Symposium

Conference on New Developments of Statistical Analysis in Wildlife, Fisheries, and Ecological Research
October 13-16, 2004
University of Missouri, Columbia, Missouri
Conference Webpage:

Conference Goal: To advance the understanding of statistical problems in wildlife, fisheries, and ecology. In particular, the goal is to identify future research needs and to encourage and facilitate collaboration among biological and statistical scientists and to pursue the interdisciplinary research programs.

Invited Speakers: Jarrett Barber, Jay Breidt, Ken Burnham, Jim Clark, Loveday Conquest, Robert Dorazio, Greg Dwyer, Kathy Ensor, Alan Gelfand, Jay Ver Hoef, Craig Johns, Joshua Millspaugh, Bill Link, Jeffrey Pontius, Andy Royle, John Skalski, Eric Smith, Gary White, Chris Wikle, Linda Young, Dale Zimmerman.

Contributed Poster Session: Abstract submission deadline September 15, 2004.

Travel Award: Young participants (beginning assistant professors, post-doctoral researchers, and graduate students) are eligible for a travel award.

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