Job offer in ECOLOGY: Assistant/Associate Professor ~

25 de agosto de 2004

Job offer in ECOLOGY: Assistant/Associate Professor

The Department of Zoology at the University of Florida invites applications from field ecologists who link theory with data at the population and/or community level. The successful candidate should be able to integrate processes and patterns across levels of biological organization and/or spatial scales. We prefer candidates who will contribute to departmental strengths in ecology, physiology, evolution, and behavior, and to campus-wide strengths in the ecological sciences, such as tropical ecology and conservation biology. Taxonomic focus is open. Please submit a curriculum vitae, a selection of reprints (indicate the three you consider most significant), statements of research and teaching interests, and have three letters of reference sent to Ecology Search Committee, Department of Zoology, PO Box 118525, University of Florida, Gainesville, FL 32611-8525. Applications must be received by October 4, 2004. For more information, contact or see (which has instructions for electronic submission). The University of Florida is an Equal-Opportunity Employer. We encourage applications from minorities and women.

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