Ofertas en Ecovoluntarios ~ Bioblogia.net

25 de agosto de 2004

Ofertas en Ecovoluntarios

Thai Society
for the Conservation of Wild Animals

Volunteers > How to Apply

The TSCWA welcomes assistance from foreign volunteers. Important to our projects are veterinarians, vet nurses, zoologists and biologists. Students are welcome but they should have some practical experiences withwhich to draw from. Volunteers with a veterinary background are likely to assist with both wild animals and stray dogs. They and their travelling partner(s) are welcome for shorter periods and can use our accommodation as a base for further holidaying should they wish. Biologists and zoologists will likely do fieldwork towards wildlife conservation and/or behavioural studies. This will require a longer stay of at least a couple of months as it will be important to create local relationships and better understand the environments where our projects operate.

We prefer volunteers who have some related experience but we also consider important an enthusiasm to better the lives of any type of animal and are happy to do so under a culturally different environment. By early 2004 the TSCWA has been assisted by nearly 100 foreign volunteers from 15 countries, each staying for an average of 2 months.

Volunteers should be prepared to pay for their own transport to Bangkok, personal hygiene, food, and visa costs. The TSCWA supplies pleasant western-style living facilities and local transport as well as the medicines, tools, and equipment needed to undertake the various activities.

Please contact us at apply@tscwa.org if you are interested in assisting as a TSCWA volunteer, tell us a bit about yourself, and give a timeframe that would suit you. The work needs to be done so we try our best to accept all serious applicants.


ra un proyecto de la Comunidad INTI WARA YASSI donde "INTI" es Sol en Quechua, "WARA" es Estrella en Aymara y "YASSI" es Luna en Guarani. El proyecto es un Refugio de Animales Silvestres del Trópico boliviano. Los miembros del proyecto son voluntarios de diversos puntos del planeta. Los animales silvestres del refugio fueron sacados de los circos, de los mercados y de las jaulas inhumanas, o fueron una vez de mascotas que muchos fueron muy maltratados por el amo. El proyecto consiste en la rehabilitación y la restauracion de nuevas especies para luego ser devueltos a su hábitat natural.

Ayúdanos a mantener la biodiversidad de nuestra Tierra.

¿Cómo es el trabajo del voluntario?

Los Requisitos mínimos para trabajar en el proyecto es de 15 días, ser un amante de los animales.

"Si no piensas tener tus vacaciones de verano en la playa, ven al proyecto que serán tus mejores vacaciones de tu vida".

Puedes trabajar con los animales como tocarlos, pasearlos, darlos de comer, etc... No se necesita ser biólogo o veterinario (pero por supuesto son muy vitales para el proyecto) solo amor a los animales y en favor a la ecología, junto con otros voluntarios de Bolivia y del resto del Mundo.


Muchos de los animales vienen traumatizados de los maltratos del hombre y necesitan mucho amor y cariño. Algunos (animales adultos por ejemplo) no pueden rehabilitar ya que se acostumbran de la presencia los humanos.

Los voluntarios viven en "La Casa de Voluntarios" ubicada en el parque y pagan 20 Bs (~3 $us) por noche con cocina y ducha caliente. Para los que desean estar mas de 16 días el precio es de 10 a 15 Bs.

Animales en el parque:

Monos (9 especies): mono araña, mono capuchino o canela, mono titi, mono ardilla, mono aullador, mono manzana, mono nocturno y otros.
Felinos (4 especies): Jaguar, Puma, Ocelotte y Gato montes.
Pájaros (diversos especies): Parabas, Papagayos, loros comunes, tucanes, águilas y otros.
Reptiles tortugas terrestres y acuáticas, caimanes, lagartos, tortugas y otros.
Otros: ciervos, tejones o coatíes, armadillos, perezosos, Sin olvidar: Millones de INSECTOS!!

Max, un mono capuchino

¡Una experiencia inolvidable y única en el mundo!
¡No pierdas esta excelente oportunidad!
¡Serán las mejores vacaciones de tu vida¡

¿Donde es?

Villa Tunari, Chapare
Cochabamba, BOLIVIA

Al pie de la Cordillera de Los Andes, entre los valles altos y la planicie amazónica, se sitúa un paraíso tropical rodeado de ríos caudalosos y las maravillas y misterios del bosque tropical. Precisamente en Villa Tunari que es el ingreso al trópico cochabambino y la amazonía boliviana. El proyecto se sitúa en el Parque Machia, de 36 hectáreas, alberga una gran diversidad de flora (mas de 120 especies de árboles) y fauna. Una senda de 3.2 km. de extensión resume la compleja ecología del parque y del Chapare.

Maas informacion: juancarlos@intiwarayassi.org


4 Volunteer Positions

Contact: Mariana Rios maririos34@adinet.com.uy
WWW Link: www.karumbe.8k.com

Duration: January 15th – February 15th 2005
Period: minimum two weeks
Location: Barra de Valizas/Cabo Polonio, Rocha - Uruguay.
General Information: Karumbé project has been monitoring this foraging and developmental area of juvenile green turtles (Chelonia mydas) for 2 years. In this site the volunteers will carry out research and conservation activities, getting quite in touch with the fishermen community where the field station is settled. Volunteers will be working shoulder to shoulder with the 2 researchers who will be co-ordinating the fieldwork, getting involved in all tasks included in the project work. It is not necessary to speak Spanish, however we encourage candidates to know at least the basics.
Added to the sea turtle project, the volunteers will be able to participate in other projects conducted in the area such as dolphins and sea lions projects.
Site Information: Barra de Valizas/Cabo Polonio is a RAMSAR protected area, where we can find a huge extension of sand dunes, one of the most important of South America. This coastal area is composed by an insular system which
hosts the largest sea lions population of Latin America.
Duties: The volunteers will conduct the following activities:
1.Sighting and capturing, with nets, juveniles of green turtle, in areas next to the shore. 2.Once a week, 12 km walk, searching for stranded sea turtles
3.Help researchers with necropsies of any dead individual 4.Collect data of the artisanal fishery carried out in this locality, from onboard or at port 5.Get involved in talks and workshops for the community and tourists. 6.Rehabilitation of sick and weak sea turtles.
7.Help in the field station duties such us cleaning and cooking

Requirements: Candidates should have (a)
1.Willingness to work with nature in a remote place, surrounded by beautiful landscapes. 2. Good physical conditions: know how to swim and be able to walk long distances on loose sand. 3. Willingness to get to know a different culture, getting involved into conservation activities with this fishing community. 4. No previous experience in handling sea turtles, training will be given as soon as arrived in the field station.

Costs/Benefits: Fees: U$S 8/day which includes accommodation and 3 meals a day. Volunteers must pay their own travel expenses to Montevideo-Uruguay. Trip to the field station will be covered by Karumbé Project.
Additional Contact Information: For more information contact
Mariana Rios, Valizas Field Coordinator

If interested ask for the volunteer’s instructive at maririos34@adinet.com.uy.

Mariana Rios
Juan Paullier 1198/101
Ph/fax (598-2)4010101

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