Postdoctoral Fellowship ~

15 de agosto de 2004

Postdoctoral Fellowship assist in the scientific direction and technical oversight of multi-disciplinary research program using molecular, genetic and biochemical approaches for assessing the health status of marine organisms. The focus will be on scleractinian corals and their associated microbial communities. This research will be conducted collaboratively with other investigators from academic, federal and state institutions and designed to provide a linkage between organismal health and environmental assessment. The work location will be at the NOAA National Ocean Service/Center for Coastal Environmental Health and Biomolecular Research (CCEHBR), Hollings Marine Laboratory, Charleston, SC. Qualifications: Ph.D. degree in Biochemistry, Cellular/Molecular Biology or other relevant discipline. The candidate must demonstrate technical competency in advanced functional genomics, communication and interpersonal skills are required. A competency in invertebrate systems as well as a working knowledge of bioinformatics and proteomics is desirable. Forward resume and three references to: NOAA NOS CCEHBR, Hollings Marine Laboratory Attention: Dr. Cheryl Woodley, Hollings Marine Laboratory, 331 Ft Johnson Rd., Charleston, SC 29412. Faxed or email applications will not be accepted.
Eligibility: The position is open only to US citizens. Closing Date: Applications must be received by August 25, 2004. Award is expected to be made on or before September 15, 2004. Fellowship Award: $40,000/year. Inquiries can be made to Dr. Cheryl Woodley at 843-762-8811 or .

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