Based in the School of Marine Science and Technology a Research Associate is required to carry out research on the effects of coral bleaching on fish and invertebrates. The successful applicant will be required to collate and analyse data, have a good scientific writing ability and be able to collaborate and communicate effectively with other bodies, including the Australian Institute of Marine Science. A thorough understanding of coral reef fauna, particularly reef fishes, is essential, as is valid SCUBA diving certification with proven scientific diving experience. The post is available for 36 months in the first instance. For further particulars and Employment Record Form go to
Job Reference: D726R
To apply, please send your supporting letter with CV (including names and addresses of two referees), and Employment Record Form, to: Nicholas Polunin (email, School of Marine Science & Technology, Ridley Building, University of Newcastle upon Tyne, NE1 7RU no later than 24th August 2004 [GMT].
14 de agosto de 2004
Research Associate: "Coral bleaching on fish and invertebrates"