1 de septiembre de 2004


(Thanks to Dr. Sommer)-- The Department of Biology at Syracuse University invites applications for a tenure-track position (Assistant to Full Professor) to be filled by August 2005. The successful candidate will have, or will develop, a strong, extramurally funded and highly innovative research program in ecology to join an emerging interdisciplinary research group in biocomplexity. The successful candidate will be one who uses terrestrial or aquatic systems to investigate questions related to plant ecophysiology, plant ecology, microbial ecology, trophic interactions, or ecosystem dynamics. Successful applicants
will complement current research strengths within the department and university related to functioning of complex biological systems in different environments. The Department and the University place a high priority on effective teaching. Successful candidates will be expected to teach at
undergraduate and graduate levels.
Successful candidates will join a highly productive faculty with strong links to other programs at Syracuse University, including engineering, environmental policy, biochemistry and earth sciences. The Department is in the midst of an exciting growth period, having hired seven new faculty in the past four years. We anticipate hiring six-ten more new faculty over the next five years.
Specific information about individual Biology faculty research programs may be found on our website:
The Syracuse biocomplexity group also has close intellectual ties to more than 60 other faculty at several other universities including the nearby State University of New York Environmental Science and Forestry school (SUNY-ESF)
and Cornell University. Collaborations among the faculty in this group would allow successful applicants to explore several new interdisciplinary funding initiatives at NSF, including NSF's Biocomplexity Initiative, Emerging Frontiers, and Biology & Mathematics programs. Applicants should forward a curriculum vitae, a description of past research accomplishments, a clearly focused description of his/her proposed future research goals and a statement of teaching interests. We also request that applicants have at least three letters of reference sent. Please include the
name, address, phone number and e-mail address of each of your references. We invite applicants to submit materials electronically as a single PDF file to: The position will be open until filled, but to be assured your application receives full consideration, we urge that you arrange
to have all necessary materials to us by October 15, 2004. Applications and reference letters should be addressed to: Larry Wolf, Chair, Biocomplexity Faculty Search Department of Biology 130 College Place Syracuse University Syracuse, NY 13244

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