M.S. OR PH.D. GRADUATE ASSISTANTSHIP (Avian Ecology) ~ Bioblogia.net

22 de septiembre de 2004


A graduate research assistantship (MS or PhD) is immediately available for participating in
multidisciplinary research, including soil, vegetation, molecular
biology, and terrestrial invertebrates and vertebrates, funded by
National Science Foundation. The research is a large scale ecological
experiment that involves manipulating forest stands with fire and
logging and is a collaboration of Alabama A&M University, Southern
Research Station of USDA Forest Service, and Bankhead National Forest.
The study sites are located in the southern most region of the
Appalachian forests in northern Alabama. The graduate student will
evaluate the effects of forest manipulations on bird community.
Territory mapping, mist-nets, and radio telemetry will be used to
quantify the bird species and their habitat associations. The position
requires bird identification (sight, song, and call). Experience with
radio telemetry and mist netting is desired. The graduate student must
be able to work independently and spend long days in mountain terrain
with other organisms (e.g., snakes, mosquitoes, and ticks). The student
needs to actively interact with USDA scientists, national forest
managers, faculty, and graduate and undergraduate students on the
project. The graduate student will receive an annual research
assistantship of $20,000 for MS or $25,000 for Ph.D. The starting date
is flexible, with the possibility to start as soon as possible.
Interested applicants should send a letter of application and a resume
including GRE scores and names of 3 references with phone numbers to:
DR. YONG WANG, Center for Forestry and Ecology, Alabama A&M University,
Normal, AL 35762; Ph. (256) 372-4229; or email to
yong.wang@email.aamu.edu. Alabama A&M University is an 1890
Historically Block University, minority applicants are specifically
encouraged. Applications will be reviewed as they are received, and the
position will be open until a suitable candidate is found.

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