Ecology Postdoctoral Position
A two year postdoctoral position in ecology funded by the David and Lucile Packard Foundation is available in the research group of Jonathan Levine at the University of California, Santa Barbara. In collaboration with Levine, the successful candidate will develop a research project using empirical or theoretical approaches to explore at least one of the
following: 1. The controls over the success and impacts of exotic plant invasions; 2. The importance of dormancy, dispersal, and environmental variation for the persistence of plant populations; 3. The controls over coexistence in plant communities, especially that mediated by germination biology, plant-soil feedbacks or temporal variability; or 4. The determinants of plant species biogeographic ranges. The research focus is extremely flexible, but must facilitate interaction with other lab members or faculty.
Much of Levine's current research uses models and experiments to examine the effects of interannual variability in precipitation on the persistence of rare annual plants in invaded habitats on the California Channel Islands. Postdoc and graduate student-lead projects focus on the importance of spatial versus temporal mechanisms of coexistence in grasslands, the role of plant soil feedbacks in modulating native shrub reinvasion of exotic-dominated systems, and the factors responsible for the differential success of native and exotic annual grasses in California. These projects involve collaboration with the numerous other UCSB faculty in population, community, and ecosystem ecology (see and ). The Santa Barbara area and UC Natural Reserve System provide exceptional field sites in habitats ranging from grassland, sage scrub, chaparral, and oak woodland. Desert and alpine systems occur within half a day's drive. Santa Barbara is also home to the National Center for Ecological Analysis and Synthesis (NCEAS).
Applicants must have relevant Ph.D. experience in ecology. Funding is initially available for two years with a flexible start date. In addition, the successful applicant will work collaboratively to obtain additional funding. Applications will be accepted through December 15, 2004 though candidates are encouraged to send an email indicating interest in the position before that time. To apply, email a research statement including a short outline of a proposed project, a curriculum vitae, relevant publications, and names of three references to Dr. Jonathan Levine, Department of Ecology, Evolution and Marine Biology, University of California, Santa Barbara, CA 93106. Email: