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Procedencia: Steven A. Juliano sajulian@ilstu.edu
Post-doctoral Researcher
Ecology of container mosquitoes
An opening for one post-doctoral researcher is anticipated to begin in February 2005 (subject to NIH budget approval). Research involves effects of interspecific competition and predation among invasive container- dwelling mosquitoes in North America, emphasizing processes leading to coexistence or exclusion of invasive species and resident species. It is expected that a motivated post-doctoral researcher will expand the overall research effort by posing new questions not specifically described in the original proposal. Ph.D. in ecology or related disciplines, interest or experience in work with insects, and availability for field work in Florida and Illinois required. Strong background in GIS, ecology of disease, modeling, or aquatic ecology preferred.
Funding is anticipated for up to 5 years. Salary negotiable, and includes health insurance and retirement.
Application (electronic preferred): send CV, statement of research interests, reprints of recent papers, copies of university transcripts, and three letters of recommendation to:
Steven A. Juliano
Dept. of Biological Sciences
Illinois State University
Normal, IL 61790-4120
(309) 438-2642
Pre-application inquiries should also be directed to Steven Juliano.
For further information about the research group, the department, and the university, including publications resulting from previous NIH-funded research on this system, visit: http://www.bio.ilstu.edu/juliano/juliano.htm
Illinois State University is an equal opportunity employer. Women and minorities are encouraged to apply.
Los artículos de OFER-TRABEC son distribuidos gracias al apoyo y colaboración
técnica de RedIRIS - Red Académica española - (http://www.rediris.es)