Environmental Statistics short course ~ Bioblogia.net

31 de octubre de 2004

Environmental Statistics short course

This notice will be of interest to readers who produce or review studies and assessments involving quantitative data.
Dr. Bryan Manly, author of "Statistics for Environmental Science and Management," will be giving an online version of his "Environmental Statistics" short course Nov. 5 Dec. 3 at statistics.com. The course will cover standard and specialized statistical procedures, all from an environmental perspective. Topics include regression, ANOVA, control charts, bioequivalence, time series, risk assessment and more. There will be four weekly sessions, focusing on (1) Sampling, (2) Environmental Data Analysis, (3) Monitoring and Impact Assessment, and (4) Spatial & Censored Data, and Risk Assessment.
Considerable material is covered; this course is ideal for someone who has some background in statistics and needs more in-depth knowledge of some of the techniques presented. Participants and the instructor interact via a private discussion board; there are no set hours when you must be online. Exercises are provided. Details and registration at

Peter Bruce

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