Oferta de empleo en Genetica de Poblaciones ~ Bioblogia.net

7 de octubre de 2004

Oferta de empleo en Genetica de Poblaciones

Population Geneticist: The Department of Biology at the University of Central Florida invites applicants for a tenure-track Assistant Professor-level position in the area of population genetics. Candidates should have a strong focus on laboratory or field-based organismal research, and use cutting-edge molecular and computational tools. The successful candidate will be expected to establish and maintain an extramurally funded research program in evolutionary biology that complements an active and expanding faculty. The new faculty member will have the opportunity to participate in Ph.D. programs in Conservation Biology and Biomolecular Sciences, and contribute to undergraduate education in Biology. Startup funds and teaching load are competitive. Candidates must have a Ph.D. and appropriate post-doctoral training. Please submit a CV, brief statements of research plans and teaching philosophy, and arrange for three letters of recommendation to be sent directly to: Dr. C. L. Parkinson, Chair, Population Geneticist Search Committee, Department of Biology, University of Central Florida, 4000 Central Florida Blvd., Orlando, FL 32816-2368. Review of applications will begin November 15, 2004 with an anticipated start date of August 2005. The University of Central Florida maintains a strong research emphasis and is one of the largest universities in the USA (2nd largest in Florida). Please see http://biology.ucf.edu for more details. The University of Central Florida is an Affirmative Action/Equal Opportunity Employer. As a member of the Florida State University System, all application materials and selection procedures are available for public review.

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