Oferta de trabajo para ornitólogos: IBA Coordinator/Bird Conservation Biologist ~ Bioblogia.net

16 de octubre de 2004

Oferta de trabajo para ornitólogos: IBA Coordinator/Bird Conservation Biologist

Massachusetts Audubon Society
Location: Lincoln
Mass Audubon is seeking a highly motivated, energetic individual to coordinate the activities of its Important Bird Area program and to oversee avian research projects including sanctuary based bird surveys. Individual will coordinate all aspects of the Important Bird Areas (IBA) program including IBA designation and protection, fundraising and budget management, education and outreach, and public and community relations.
Qualifications: M.S. in Ornithology or equivalent experience. Excellent field knowledge of the birds of New England. Proven field research experience, including demonstrated experience in the management of research projects, fundraising, and the writing and publication of technical and peer-reviewed reports. Experience working with a variety of bird conservation groups including the birding community, private landowners, NGO partners, and state and federal government agencies. Strong writing and public speaking skills. Working knowledge of statistical software and ArcView. Willingness to travel and work under a variety of conditions.
Benefits: Salary depending on experience and qualifications; full benefits Application Deadline: Applications are accepted until the position is filled
To inquire about this position:
Submit cover letter, resume, and the names of three references to: Taber D. Allison, Ph. D. Vice President, Conservation Science and Ecological Management 208 South Great Road Lincoln, MA 01773 tallison@massaudubon.org

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