Oportunidad de doctorado en Africa ~ Bioblogia.net

7 de octubre de 2004

Oportunidad de doctorado en Africa

The Geobotanical Institute of the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (ETHZ), in collaboration with the Wildlife Ecology Group of The Swiss Federal Research Institute WSL offers a PhD position (plant ecology, grazing in African savanna). The successful candidate will participate in an ongoing project in northeastern Tanzania that studies plant-herbivore interactions in a savanna ecosystem which is being recolonised by native ungulate herbivores after a long history of cattle grazing. The dissertation will focus on vegetation structure, composition and quality, employing an experimental approach, and will also include modelling of nutrient fluxes. It will be tightly linked to a second dissertation that addresses the spatial ecology of the recolonising ungulates. The position requires a strong background in plant ecology, an interest in multidisciplinary work, some modelling experience, and skills in lab work. The candidate must be willing to work and live for extended periods under very simple field conditions, and is expected to collaborate closely with the zoologist in the project. This position is fixed-term for three years, work starting on January 1, 2005. Please send your complete application, including a brief outline of your motivation and former field experience to Prof. Dr. P. Edwards, Geobotanical Institute, Swiss Federal Institute of Technology ETHZ, CH-8092 Zürich, Switzerland, Tel: +41-(0) 1 632 43 30, edwards@env.ethz.ch (Email with attachments in pdf-format preferred). Further information can also be obtained from Dr. Werner Suter (Tel: +41-(0)1-739 25 67.
werner.suter@wsl.ch) or Stéphanie Halsdorf (Tel: +33-62-246 52 43, evenings only. stephanie.halsdorf@env.ethz.ch).

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