Postdoctoral Position in Forest Ecology, Entomology,and Forest Management ~

15 de octubre de 2004

Postdoctoral Position in Forest Ecology, Entomology,and Forest Management

Postdoctoral Position in Forest Ecology, Entomology,
and Forest Management
A two-year postdoctoral position is offered in conjunction with the Missouri Ozark Forest Ecosystem Project (MOFEP)
( funded by the Missouri Department of Conservation. The goal of MOFEP is to determine the effects of alternative forest management regimens on forest productivity and biodiversity. The postdoctoral position is in collaboration with Robert Marquis, who has been sampling leaf-chewing insects on two species of canopy oaks for 13 years as part of MOFEP. The goals of the insect herbivore portion of MOFEP are to: 1) determine the effects of forest clearing vs. forest thinning on herbivore communities associated with white and black oak
(Quercus) trees, and 2) conduct supplemental sampling and/or experiments to clarify the factors that contribute to treatment effects.
Position responsibilities include leading a field crew that samples insects four times during the growing season, caterpillar rearing, data management and analysis, and design and implementation of supplemental sampling and/or experiments to test for the causes of
the effects of timber harvesting. Skills in field entomology, data
management, and multivariate statistical analysis are essential, while expertise in one or more the following areas would contribute greatly to the success of the project: parasitoid ecology, tritrophic interactions, plant secondary chemistry, GIS and spatial statistics, forest ecology. The MOFEP terrain is relatively rugged, requiring one to be in good physical shape.
Prospective candidates must be able to begin the position no later than March 1, 2005. A Ph.D. in ecology, forestry, or entomology is required. Base for the position is the Department of Biology, University of Missouri-St. Louis ( Starting salary is $32,000/year. Application review begins December 1, 2004 and will continue until the position is filled. Prospective candidates should send a letter of interest and curriculum vitae, and have three letters of recommendation sent to: Robert Marquis (, Dept. Biology, University of Missouri-St. Louis, One University Boulevard, St. Louis, MO, 63121-4499.
The University of Missouri-St. Louis is an equal opportunity employer/affirmative action employer.

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