AAAS Science and Technology Policy Fellowships, 2005:06 ~

18 de diciembre de 2004

AAAS Science and Technology Policy Fellowships, 2005:06

Help shape public policy in Washington, DC.
Scientists and engineers are invited to apply for one-year science and technology policy fellowships in Washington, DC, beginning September 2005. These 10 programs, administered by the American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS), are designed to provide each Fellow with a unique public policy learning experience and to bring technical backgrounds and external perspectives to decision-making in the U.S. government. The application deadline is January 10, 2005
Fellows serve in the Congress, the Department of Homeland Security, the National Science Foundation, the National Institutes of Health, the Department of State, the Department of Defense, the Agency for International Development, the Environmental Protection Agency, the Department of Agriculture, the Food and Drug Administration, and other federal offices.
Applicants must have a PhD or an equivalent doctoral degree by the application deadline from any physical, biological or social science, any field of engineering or any relevant interdisciplinary field. Individuals with a master's degree in engineering and at least three years of post-degree professional experience also may apply. Applicants must be U.S. citizens and federal employees are ineligible. Stipends begin at $62,000.
For application instructions and further information about the AAAS Science and Technology Policy Fellowship Programs, contact: 1200 New York Avenue, NW Washington, DC 20005
Phone: 202/326-6700
Persons from underrepresented minority groups and persons with disabilities are encouraged to apply.

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