... needed for field and laboratory work on Lesser Scaup. Assistants will work in cooperation with ecologists from Louisiana State University (LSU), USGS LA Coop. Wildlife Research Unit, Ducks Unlimited, US Fish and Wildlife Service, and Illinois, Iowa, Missouri, Minnesota, and North Dakota State Wildlife Agencies on a multi-state project designed to examine one of the leading hypotheses explaining the marked decline of the continental Lesser Scaup population. In the field, assistants will work long hours, and be responsible for capturing, taking blood samples, color-marking, and banding Lesser Scaup during spring migration in Illinois and Iowa. Assistants also will assist in conducting behavioral observations, collecting ducks, and conducting wetland habitat surveys throughout spring migration in the upper-Midwest. The laboratory component of this research will be conducted at LSU in Baton Rouge, Louisiana, where technicians will dissect ducks, sort/count invertebrate samples, and enter data into spreadsheets. We will hire 3 crew leaders
($1450/month) and 4 technicians ($1100/month) from early March 2005 through June 2005. Each position start and end time varies but will be
approximately: 2 @ 3/1/05 - 6/30/05, 2 @ 3/15/05 - 6/30/05, 1 @ 3/20/05 - 5/15/05, and 2 @ 4/1/05 - 5/15/05. Housing and travel expenses will be provided during the project. A B.S degree in wildlife (or related field), particular knowledge/interest in wetland ecology, and experience with field studies are preferred, but not required. Please send resume with 3 references to Michael J. Anteau (PhD student) mantea1@lsu.edu (mantea + number one) or Dr. Alan D. Afton AAfton@lsu.edu at the USGS LA Coop Fish and Wildlife Research Unit, School of Renewable Natural Resources, Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge, LA 70803.