14th International Scientific Congress CNIC 2005 ~ Bioblogia.net

16 de febrero de 2005

14th International Scientific Congress CNIC 2005

Dear Colleague:We would greatly appreciate if you could forward this message to any of yourcolleagues that could be interested.Thank you very much.We hope to see you in Havana this year.
Organizing Committee
14th International Scientific Congress CNIC 2005
40 Years at the Service of Science and TechnologyHavana, Cuba, June 27th-30th, 2005Dear colleagues:Every five years, the National Center for Scientific Research holds itsInternational Scientific Congress in the framework of its anniversaries. Themeeting has the aim to allow a gathering as well as a fruitfulscientific-technical exchange among an important number of national andinternational specialists in their research fields. Besides, it offers anexcellent opportunity for showing new products and technologies from themedical, pharmaceutical and biotechnological industries. This time we arecalling for the 14th meeting to be held from June 27th to 30th, 2005
For more information you can visit our Web site:

14 Congreso Cientifico Internacional CNIC 200540 Años al Servicio de la Ciencia y la Tecnologia14 Seminario Cientifico CNIC 2005Habana, Cuba, Junio 27-30, 2005.Estimados colegas:Cada cinco años el Centro Nacional de Investigaciones Cientificas realiza suCongreso Cientifico Internacional en el marco de los aniversarios cerrados.El conclave agrupa un numero importante de especialistas nacionales einternacionales en las tematicas que el CNIC investiga. Sirve de oportunidadpara la exposicion de novedosos productos y tecnologias de la industriamedica y farmaceutica. En esta ocasion, se convoca a la 14 edicion acelebrarse del 27 al 30 de junio de 2005
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