I am seeking a PhD student to participate in a multi-year, conservation-oriented project that
integrates radar technology and GIS with on the ground evidence of habitat use to understand the stopover biology of migratory birds at different spatial scales on military installations. The student has the opportunity to design his/her own research project that focuses on some aspect(s)of migrant-habitat relations. Funds are available to support the student and his/her research. Desirable skills and experience include behavioral sampling, mist-netting, radio-telemetry, familiarity with GIS, and interest in spatial modeling. Candidate must have ability to supervise a team of field technicians. Stipend: $15,000.00/year plus health insurance and tuition waiver. Applicants with MS in biological sciences or closely related field preferred; must have previous
experience working with migratory passerines. Must meet graduate admissions requirements (see http://www.usm.edu/biology/).
FRANK MOORE, Department of Biological Sciences, 118 College Drive #
5018, University of Southern Mississippi, Hattiesburg, MS 39406-0001
(EM: frank.moore@usm.edu, PH: 601.266.4748).