Opportunity for volunteer interns ~ Bioblogia.net

27 de febrero de 2005

Opportunity for volunteer interns

Cascadia Research is a non-profit research and education organization based in Olympia, Washington. Interns are sought to work on a number of projects, including long-term research studies of humpback, blue, and gray whales (primary goals examination of distribution, movements, stock structure, and abundance), killer whales (primary goal examining feeding habits of individuals in the "southern resident" population), and Hawaiian odontocetes (primary goals examination of stock structure, diving behavior and abundance). Interns would assist with aspects of the field work, photographic identification of individual animals, and data compilation. Interns would spend about 50% of time assisting with matching of photographic identifications, 25% assisting with field work (including potential for some longer cruises), and 25% other office tasks. Depending on time of year, interns would also assist with responding to strandings of whales and pinnipeds.
Interns would be responsible for housing and meals in Olympia, although travel and meals would be covered during longer field expeditions. Having a car would be beneficial to participating in some field activities. Interns would be expected to work full time for a period of about 3-4 months.
Prior to applying please check out the Cascadia web site, which includes more details on the internship program <http://www.cascadiaresearch.org/interns.htm> and includes a complete list of Cascadia's publications <http://www.cascadiaresearch.org/biblio.htm>
Applications by e-mail only. Please include information on background and experience, when you would be available, attach an electronic copy of your resume, and include names, e-mail addresses and phone numbers of three references.
Applications for humpback, blue and gray whale internships should be sent to Lisa Schlender
Applications for killer whale and Hawaiian odontocete internships should be sent to Robin Baird Internship start dates for killer whale and Hawaiian odontocete work are April 2005 and August/September 2005 only.

Robin W. Baird, Ph.D.
Cascadia Research Collective
218 1/2 W. 4th Avenue
Olympia, WA 98501 USA
e-mail: rwbaird@cascadiaresearch.org or rwbaird@dal.ca

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