Two research positions are available for the summer of 2005 (June 1 to August 15) to assist in research on foraging behavior and reproductive allocation of harvester ants. The work is part of an ongoing long-term study of harvester ant biology. The study area is located approximately 20 miles northwest of Grand Junction, Colorado on the Colorado plateau. Students will monitor daily activity patterns, measure food intake and help with estimating reproductive output. In addition to salary, student housing costs will be covered. Applicants should be willing to work irregular hours in desert conditions and have their own car. We seek highly motivated individuals who can work independently and as part of a research group.
Interested individuals should send a CV or resume, including a description
of relevant course work, and have three letters of references sent to: Dr.
Diane C. Wiernasz, Department of Biology, University of Houston, Houston TX 77204-5001. Electronic applications and letters of reference are encouraged. EMAIL ADDRESS: A description of the study site and study projects can be found at: