16 de marzo de 2005


We are a young, interdisciplinary research group recently awarded with a
European Young Investigator Award, working on networks of plant-animal
interactions. Our research is aimed at the characterization of how
coevolutionary interactions are shaped in species-rich communities. We
combine different approaches to characterize network structure, how such
structure affects community persistence, and which mechanisms lead to
the observed structure. To expand our highly motivated team we are seeking:

1. Postdoctoral position on phylogenetic analysis of plant-animal
coevolutionary networks. We are looking for a postdoctoral fellow with
experience in the comparative method and phylogenetic analysis of animal
or plant groups. The project involves the analysis of the phylogenetic
relationships between plants and animals in coevolutionary networks. The
candidate should analyze Genebank data sets, and obtain new DNA
sequences. The ultimate goal is to understand which component of the
structure of plant-animal networks is explained by phylogeny as opposed
to ecological correlates.

The candidate should have an excellent publication record on
phylogenetic analysis, comparative methods, and related issues. He/She
should be seeking to work in collaboration with other members of the
team The position is for two years.

Applications (CV, description of research interests, up to 3 letters of
reference, 2 selected reprints, and a cover, motivation letter) should
be send by post mail to:

Jordi Bascompte c/o EURYI Search Committee (Postdoc)
Estación Biológica de Doñana, Pabellón del Perú
Avda. Maria Luisa s/n Sevilla 41013, Spain

Deadline for submission is 10 April, 2005.

2) Ph.D. Fellowship, plant-animal coevolutionary networks. We are
looking for a highly motivated student with a degree in biology who
seeks to obtain a Ph.D. The project involves the combination of data set
analysis of networks of plant-animal interactions, and original field
work. This could be complemented with lab analysis of phylogenetic
relationships between plants and animals in close collaboration with a
postdoctoral fellow.
The candidate should be familiar with statistical analysis. Familiarity
with some computing language (Matlab, C, or similar) will be valued.
He/She should be seeking to learn new techniques and work in
collaboration with other members of the team. The position is for four

Applications (CV, up to 3 letters of reference, and a cover, motivation
letter) should be send by post mail to:

Jordi Bascompte c/o EURYI Search Committee (Graduate student #1)
Estación Biológica de Doñana, Pabellón del Perú
Avda. Maria Luisa s/n Sevilla 41013, Spain

Deadline for submission is 10 April, 2005.

Candidates from other European and non-European countries are highly
encouraged. The candidates will benefit from a unique combination of
computing, lab, and field facilities, creative environment, and an
international program of visitors. For information about the group see, Questions can be
addressed to
Jordi Bascompte
Estación Biológica de Doñana, CSIC
Apdo. 1056, E-41080 Sevilla (Spain)
Phone: (+34) 954 232340
Fax: (+34) 954 621125
Jordi Bascompte

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