Natural History and ID of Mid-Atlantic Amphibians ~

7 de marzo de 2005

Natural History and ID of Mid-Atlantic Amphibians

Amphibian Fans - crawl, hop, jump, swim, paddle and slither over to St. Michaels, MD and join Environmental Concern to learn about some of wetlands most interesting inhabitants. During this 6-hour course:
* investigate the natural history, taxonomy, biology and ecology
of amphibians
* learn to identify frogs and salamanders native to the
Mid-Atlantic region
* learn to recognize the calls of a variety of frog species
* discover why worldwide amphibian populations are apparently
decreasing at alarming rates and what this could mean about the health of the environment
* wade into wetlands and practice surveying methods for adult and
larval frogs
* get involved with local frog monitoring opportunities

DATE: April 23, 2005
TIME: 2pm - 8pm (hour dinner break)
WHERE: Environmental Concern in St. Michaels, MD
(Eastern Shore)
INSTRUCTOR: Troy Hershberger -A wildlife specialist at
Blackwater National Wildlife Refuge, Troy conducted his graduate research on amphibian populations around the Eastern Shore of Maryland.
COST: $40 - fee includes a copy of the field
guide: Amphibians and Reptiles of Delmarva as well as other materials.
To best facilitate the hands-on, field components of this course, course size is limited to 15. Please call (410) 745-9620 to register (Visa/MC and personal checks accepted). To learn more about Environmental Concern's over 32 years of wetland work, log on to <> .
NOTE: Some waders and boots will be available, but bring your own to ensure fit.

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