2005 National Wetlands Awards ~ Bioblogia.net

28 de abril de 2005

2005 National Wetlands Awards

We would be honored if you would join us for the 2005 National Wetlands Awards ceremony and reception. Seven wetlands educators, scientists, and conservationists were selected as recipients of the 2005 National Wetlands Awards for exemplary contributions in conserving or restoring the Nation's wetlands. They will be honored at a Capitol Hill presentation on May 18, 2005 in Room B339 of the Rayburn House Office Building in Washington, DC. This year the awards ceremony is co-sponsored by Senators Mary Landrieu and John McCain, and Representatives Anna Eshoo and Sherwood Boehlert. Please click here <http://www2.eli.org/pdf/nwa/NWA2005Invite2.pdf> for more information about the ceremony, or visit http://www2.eli.org/nwa/nwa2005.htm#main
for more information about the winners.

The National Wetlands Awards Program celebrates individuals who have demonstrated extraordinary dedication, innovation or excellence in wetlands conservation. Their work covers programs or projects on the regional, state and local levels. National Wetlands Awardees show how individuals can and do make a difference.

Please note, to RSVP to the Awards ceremony, you must contact ELI by May 12th at (202) 939-3842 or wetlandsawards@eli.org and leave your name, organizational affiliation, and phone number. To view the full invitation, visit http://www2.eli.org/pdf/nwa/NWA2005Invite2.pdf

National Wetlands Awards
Environmental Law Institute
2000 L St. NW, Suite 620
Washington, D.C. 20036
Phone: (202) 939-3800
Fax: (202) 939-3868
Email: wetlandsawards@eli.org

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