Voluntariado con delfines ~ Bioblogia.net

21 de junio de 2005

Voluntariado con delfines

Laura May-Collado
Department of Biological Sciences
Florida International University
11200 SW 8th Street
Miami, FL 33199
Phone: (305) 348-7429

I am searching for two volunteers eager to participate in dolphin projects in Latin America. The study is located in Cuyabeno and Yasuni areas of the Ecuadorian Amazon Rivers. The project concentrates on dolphin bioacoustics, ambient noise, and behavior of Inia geoffrensis and Sotalia fluviatilis. Field work will be on August 10 to 24th. Preferable arrive a day before. If you are interested please email Laura May-Collado lmayc002@fiu.edu.

The project has very limited funding so travel, lodging, and foraging costs are not covered. However, volunteers will be introduced to field work on riverine dolphins, bioacoustics, behavior, and natural history of these two species.

If you are interested please email me the following information
1) Curriculum Vitae
2) 100 words statement why you are interest in participating in this project.
3) One reference letter
4) Knowledge of Spanish is preferable but not definitive.

Before you consider participating in this project PLEASE be aware of the following working conditions: 1. Lots of sun and possibly mosquitoes. 2. Long hours of field work usually from 7a.m. to 5 p.m. then we do photo-ID in site at night hours. 3. Sites can be isolated so lodging may be very rustic and food very simple. 4. We need to carry heavy equipment 5. Due to these conditions we need easy going and positive people.

Laura May-Collado
Department of Biological Sciences
Florida International University
11200 SW 8th St.
UP Miami, FL 33199
Marine Mammal Lab OE 257, Lab phone 305-3487429 lmayc002@fiu.edu lmaycollado@delphinids.com http://delphinids.com http://home.gwu.edu/~ingi/

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