Center for Oceanic Research and Education Internship Opportunities ~

21 de julio de 2005

Center for Oceanic Research and Education Internship Opportunities

Last call for fall internship applications

The Center for Oceanic Research and Education (CORE), based in Essex, MA,= is a non-profit organization dedicated to the study and conservation of cetaceans. Cetaceans are whales, dolphins and porpoises. CORE's mission i= s to promote stewardship and conservation of cetaceans and their marine environment. CORE's research focuses on the fascinating social interactio= ns among whales, as well as distribution and identification studies of sever= al different cetacean species including humpback whales, fin whales, sperm whales and rare beaked whales. CORE conducts whale watch education progra= ms, school presentations and public outreach activities throughout the year a= s part of our endeavor to educate as many people as possible about endanger= ed whales and their fragile marine environment.

CORE collects most of its research data aboard commercial whale watching vessels that operate out of Gloucester, MA. Interns are aboard each trip = as research assistants, and are primarily responsible for data collection. T= he types of data recorded on each trip include physical information =AD such= as climate and sea conditions, number and species of each cetacean, as well = as behavioral information and identification photographs of focus animals. Other duties aboard the boats include answering passenger questions, assisting with fund raising efforts and helping crew on deck. A paid "education mate" position aboard the whale watching boat in Gloucester is included - interns will rotate day-to-day through the week as research assistants and education mates.

CORE is somewhat of a fledgling organization, founded in 1996, we earned = our non-profit status in 1998. Though we have no publications currently in print, we are in the process of collecting data on several on-going resea= rch projects with the goal of developing papers on such varied subjects as hierarchy within humpback whale social and feeding groups, to observation= s of Sowerby's and Cuvier's beaked whales in offshore submarine canyons.

Interns can expect to participate in and learn a variety of facets of esearch including:
- Data collection; data entry; archiving and cataloging photographs and negatives; general office work.
- Data analysis methods; individual identification of whales through phot= o analysis; data submission to educational on-line programs with whom we ar= e associated.
- Public speaking; fund raising; correspondence with other organizations, researcher and students.
- Interns are also assigned a specific on-going research project and will= be expected to complete an extensive reading list to learn important backgro= und knowledge.
- Basics of navigation; boat handling; use of marine electronics includin= g GPS, LORAN, radar and echolocation machines; handling lines; and general knowledge of vessel safety and emergency protocol.

CORE offers year-round internship opportunities to qualified college students or graduates. We require a two-month minimum stay. These are strictly unpaid, volunteer positions. However, interns will be paid for their duties as Education Mates aboard the commercial whale watching vess= els out of Gloucester. We do not provide room or board, but will assist inter= ns in any way in finding housing and transportation (if necessary). We also offer flexible hours, so that interns can obtain part-time jobs, if needed.

Interns are also encouraged to receive either undergraduate or graduate credits for their internships with CORE. We will help students design and implement a project through their school or with two local colleges with whom we are affiliated (Endicott College, Beverly, MA and Wheelock Colleg= e, Boston, MA

Application deadline for the fall internship session is July 31st, with interviews through mid-August. We also accept applicants for summer and spring. To apply for an internship, please send a resume or CV, a letter = of interest identifying your reason for applying, and a letter of recommendation to the below address. We will send an application and cont= act applicants to schedule an interview as soon as we receive the above materials. Applications and further information on CORE can be obtained through our website:

Lisa Fox
Center for Oceanic Research and Education
245 Western Ave, Box 8
Essex, MA 01929 978.768.4560

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