A ver esos biólogos y naturalistas desanimados... si
hay un montón de cosas que hacer alrededor del mundo!!
Sólo hay que mirar un poquito más allá de donde
estamos... ahí van un par de oportunidades, lo único
que en inglés...
Ruth Muñiz-López
¡Ole por Ruth!
2005-06. MoSI (Monitoreo de Sobrevivencia Invernal) is
a cooperative effort among more than 30 organizations,
agencies and individual bird banders established in
2002 to assess the quality of Neotropical migratory
landbird habitats in Mexico, Central America, and the Caribbean. Contributors to the MoSI program operate bird-banding stations during 3-5 monthly pulses (each pulse consisting of 2-3 days of mist-netting) between Nov and Mar. With support from the Neotropical Migratory Bird Conservation Act (NMBCA), The Institute for Bird Populations will provide limited financial support ($640 US per station per year) to MoSI stations operating during the winters of 2005-06 and 2006-07. Although new stations are needed in a variety of regions and habitats, they are particularly needed in the Atlantic Lowlands of Mexico and in the Caribbean and in tropical dry forest and mangrove habitats. Bird banders interested in establishing MoSI stations for the 2005-06 winter season should contact Claudia Romo de Vivar Alvarez (EM: clarovial@birdpop.org; for stations in Mexico), Salvadora Morales (EM: smorales@birdpop.org; for stations in Central
America) or JAMES SARACCO (jsaracco@birdpop.org; for
stations in the Caribbean). Banders interested in
volunteering at existing MoSI stations should visit
the MoSI Bulletin Board (URL:
http://www.birdpop.org/MoSI/MoSIBB.asp. For more
information, visit
EXPERIENCED BIRD/TOUR GUIDES needed to lead birding
trips to Costa Rica.
Tico Tours “Specializing in small group birding tours
to Costa Rica” is looking for experienced bird guides
to lead birding trips to Costa Rica.
Guide would go as part of the group and serve as
general tour leader as well as supplementing guides at
various locations. Would, like the other participants,
be responsible for own insurance etc. and would travel
at own risk. Guides would be expected to travel with
the group or at least be able to meet them at Juan
Santa Maria International upon their arrival (as well
as seeing them off at the airport). Free meals,
accommodations, and transportation. Prefer individuals
with general knowledge of birds and major birding
areas in Costa Rica. Most tours will be 7-14 days in
duration including arrival and departure. Other
destinations in Central America and Europe also
possible. Serious Inquiries only, please.(URL: http://tico-tours.net, EM: ticotours@att.net).