Becas, cursos, pingüinos... ~

2 de agosto de 2005

Becas, cursos, pingüinos...

Gracias a Ruth

Compañeros, os envío información acerca de la
institución "Welder Wildlife Foundation" que ofrece
becas para investigación tanto en en temas de
ornitología como en otros, además de un curso de
Pingüinos en Argentina (si alguien está por allá) y un
puesto de trabajo en México de Medicina Veterinaria
(también incluidas las aves entre otros):

Title: Fellowships for Graduate Students in Wildlife
Ecology and Related Areas

Sponsor: Welder Wildlife Foundation, Rob and Bessie

Sponsor Type: Private Foundation

Deadline: October 1, 2005

Deadline Note: Academic institutions are responsible
for the competitive selection and supervision of
scholarship recipients, subject to foundation

Abstract: The Rob and Bessie Welder Wildlife
Foundation's graduate research scholarship program was conceived and initiated by the Foundation's first directors, Dr. Clarence Cottam and Mr. Caleb Glazener in 1956. That year, the first graduate students began field research in wildlife and wildlife-related problems to promote the education of exceptionally qualified young people along these lines.

The scientific breadth of the research scholarship
program includes the following academic units: animal
behavior, biology, botany, conservation education,
ecology, mammalogy, ornithology, parasitology, range
science, veterinary pathology, and wildlife sciences.

Initial contact with the foundation concerning a
scholarship may be in letter form with an abbreviated
outline of the research problem and a preliminary
estimate of expenses. If the foundation staff
thereafter entertains the matter further, a more
complete proposal will be requested along with
materials concerning the proposed scholarship
recipient. Amount Note: Scholarships for full-time
students amount to $1,300 per month for M.S.
candidates and $1,400 per month for Ph.D. candidates,
such amounts to cover living costs, tuition, fees, and
books. Students receiving full-time scholarships from
the foundation are precluded from any other form of
assistance for those months they receive scholarship
support. Neither shall the foundation pay scholarship
funds for those months when and if students are
fulfilling teaching assignments with remuneration.
Scholarship funds and budget requests must reflect
such plans. G.I. Bill benefits are exempted from these requirements, except they! and all other sources of support shall be clearly indicated. Recipients must satisfy all registration requirements of their respective institutions.

Funds for equipment and supplies are allocated
sparingly, and careful advance planning for them is
necessary. Smaller grants also are made for partial
support of cooperative projects. In no instance shall
the foundation pay overhead or indirect costs to the
parent university.

Travel will be allocated at a maximum of $1,200 per
year, or pro-rated at $100 per month based upon the
number of months the student is doing field work. The
student's major professor is encouraged to travel to
the project study area at least once, and one trip may
be budgeted, this not to exceed $500. All Welder
Fellowship recipients are encouraged to present the
results of their field research at appropriate
professional meetings. The foundation will reimburse
the student for travel to one (1) professional meeting
if the student presents a paper at that meeting.

The foundation desires to promote publications,
especially those of student whose work was supported
by our funds. Page charges are ordinary costs of
research and are becoming very expensive. The student
should not budget page charges in requests for funds.
These funds will be provided when evidence of
acceptance of the paper is received at the foundation,
and when a Welder contribution number has been
provided for the paper. The paper must have a Welder contribution number to be eligible for page charges. All articles resulting from work supported by the foundation (feature articles and notes) must have a Welder number. Support of publications will be limited to a period of four years after the student has filed a thesis or dissertation. Eligibility: Applicants' research interests must relate to wildlife management and conservation or a closely related area.

Scholarships are awarded directly to properly
accredited U.S. colleges or universities for bona fide
graduate students who are approved candidates for M.S.
or Ph.D. degrees, after project proposals have been
submitted to and approved by the foundation. To be
eligible for financial support, a student must have a
minimum GRE score of 1100 (verbal plus quantitative)
and a "B" average in the last two years of
undergraduate or graduate work. Citizenship or
Residency: United States

Activity Location: United States

Requirements: Graduate Student
Academic Institution

Director Contact Address: Welder Wildlife Foundation
P.O. Box 1400
Sinton, Texas 78387
Contact Phone: +1 (361) 364-2643
Contact Fax: +1 (361) 364-2650
Contact Email:
URL for more information:

En Aramacao (Mexico) tenemos disponibles dos plazas
pasantes de medicina veterinaria por si alguno de
ustedes conoce a
alguien a quien pudiera interesarle.

El empleo es en la Ciudad de Puebla y ofrecemos
capacitación en el
manejo de Fauna Silvestre.

Para mayor información por favor comunicarse a mi
correo electrónico.

Curso de Biología y Medicina de Pingüinos,Tortugas y
Mamíferos Marinos.

27 y 28 de agosto

Fecha: 27 y 28 de Agosto 2005
Horario: de 8 a 18 Hs.

La temática se basará en biología general, medicina
veterinaria y Técnicas
de Rehabilitación y Manejo de animales silvestres.


Charlas dictadas por profesionales y técnicos especializados
Demostraciones prácticas (*)

Visitas a las instalaciones

(*) Los concurrentes participan en calidad de
observadores en las prácticas con los animales.


Biología y Conservación de aves, pinnípedos,
cetáceos y tortugas

Técnicas de Rehabilitación y Manejo en Fauna

Medicina de aves y mamíferos marinos


Biólogos y Veterinarios de la Fundación Mundo Marino y profesionales asociados a la Fundación Lugar de realización: Fundación Mundo Marino y Oceanario Mundo Marino. San Clemente del Tuyú - Argentina

Informes e Inscripción:
Teléfono: 02252- 430300

Costo del curso: $ 50
Se entregará material y Certificados de Asistencia

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