EAS Project Assistant ~ Bioblogia.net

2 de agosto de 2005

EAS Project Assistant

The European Aquaculture Society (EAS) is an International Non-Profit Association, with members in more than 50 countries. EAS promotes contacts between all those interested in European aquaculture, and disseminates aquaculture information. The EAS secretariat is in Oostende, Belgium.

Position: EAS Project Assistant

The EAS Project Assistant will carry out various tasks for (European Community funded) projects, in which EAS is involved as partner or coordinator. These projects support the development of sustainable aquaculture in Europe and the dissemination of the results of EU-funded research projects, in fisheries and aquaculture. They do not include research.

The tasks are varied and are governed by contractual obligations within each project.
The principal tasks:
- Daily responsibility for the compilation and editing of documents and media articles for an internet portal, which will provide balanced information for consumers on the benefits of eating farmed fish and shellfish products, grown under sustainable conditions.
- Writing and editing summaries of EU-funded research projects, in fisheries and aquaculture. Incorporation of these in a web-based searchable database and disseminated to a wide range of stakeholders.
Other tasks include:
- Assistance in the organisation of dissemination meetings and technical workshops
- Monitoring of project status within the consortium
- Assistance in preparing project reports
- Other project administration tasks as required.

The EAS Project Assistant reports directly to the EAS Executive Director. The working language is English and travel within Europe for project activities is envisaged.

The successful applicant will have knowledge of the aquaculture and fisheries sectors in Europe, combined with the necessary skills to operate the administrative area of an internet portal. “Web mastering” skills are therefore required, and some knowledge of html editing is advantageous.
Good summary writing skills (in English) are also required and previous participation in EC funded projects will be an advantage. Methodical and timely monitoring of activities and contact with other project partners is necessary, as is the ability to work in a small team. The place of work is at the EAS secretariat in Oostende, Belgium.

Belgian legislation allows for the establishment of a specific task-based contract (Arbeidsovereenkomst voor Bedienden voor een Duidelijk Omschreven Werk). There is no fixed duration of this contract, which expires upon the termination of the project(s) concerned. As an indication, projects are generally of three years duration. The contract is based on a 40-hour working week. Remuneration will be in accordance with qualifications and experience, and in accordance with the personnel rate cost of the specific project contracts.

A Curriculum Vitae and supporting letter should be sent to the EAS Director, Mr. Alistair Lane
at a.lane@aquaculture.cc or by post to the EAS secretariat.
The deadline for reception of candidatures is Wednesday, 26 August 2005 at 18h00 CET.
The anticipated start date of the contract is October 2005.

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