Doctoral student position in modelling of nitrogen cycle in tropical agroforestry ~

20 de septiembre de 2005

Doctoral student position in modelling of nitrogen cycle in tropical agroforestry

Department of Forest Ecology, University of Helsinki, Finland
Position for a doctoral student is open in the research project “Plant-plant transfer of symbiotically-fixed nitrogen in the nutrient cycle of tropical agroforestry systems” funded by the Academy of Finland. The aim of the project is to study the significance of direct plant-plant nitrogen transfer in tropical agroforestry systems, in which dinitrogen-fixing legume trees are grown in association with food or fodder crops. The objective of this project is to verify experimentally the occurrence of direct nitrogen transfer between plants, and identify the transfer mechanisms. In his/her dissertation work, the doctoral student will develop a dynamic model for describing the fate and cycle of nitrogen fixed from atmosphere in order to synthetise the experimental results. The work will also include field work in the tropics for model parameterisation.

We are looking for a young scientist with following qualifications: –Master’s degree in forestry, agriculture, soil science, ecology or related field; –experience in ecological modelling; –excellent command of both written and spoken English (command of French will be an asset but not a requisite); and –willing to work for several months in the tropics.

Completed doctoral studies will lead to the degree of Doctor of Agriculture and Forestry at the University of Helsinki. Department of Forest Ecology is known for excellence in research and teaching and it provides an inspiring atmosphere for research and graduate studies. The department houses several research groups covering a wide range of subjects, including tree ecophysiology, ecological modelling, forest soil science, and tropical silviculture. At present, the department has ca. 20 doctoral students.

The position is funded for four years beginning 1 Jan. 2006. Starting salary will be 1,900-2,100 euros, depending on the qualifications of the candidate. The salary will be taxable in Finland. The student will be covered by Finnish social security.

If you are interested in the position, please send your application including: –Curriculum Vitae, including list of publications;
–a letter describing your research interests and motivation for applying this position; and –two letters of reference.

Please, send the application by 21 October 2005 by mail or e-mail to: Dr Pekka Nygren, Department of Forest Ecology, P.O. Box 27, 00014 University of Helsinki, Finland; e-mail: pekka(dot)nygren(at)helsinki(dot)fi

For more information, contact Dr Pekka Nygren by e-mail.

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