Graduate assistantship for MSc ~

14 de septiembre de 2005

Graduate assistantship for MSc

Graduate assistantship for MSc, $20,000/year, NSF funded project, starts Spring 2006, American permanent resident status or citizenship required by the funding agency

A graduate research assistantship (Master's level) is available for the Spring semester of 2006. The project is a large-scale ecological experiment funded by the National Science Foundation (NSF) and involves manipulating forest stands at the Bankhead National Forest (southern Cumberland Plateau, northern Alabama) through thinning and prescribed burning. There are 5 distinct subprojects of the study, but this assistantship concerns only the subproject examining the vegetation community. Some additional details about the subproject can be found at:

The graduate assistant will be expected to work on one or more of the following, according to their interests: (1) treatment effect on herbaceous vegetation growth, composition, and dynamics, (2) effect of forest use and fire history, as determined from Forest Service data and tree ring analysis, on stand response to the applied treatments, (3) treatment effects on lichen and/or moss communities, and (4) treatment effects on wood quality and bole damage on residual trees. Candidates with interests in (1) and/or (2) will be given special consideration. Preferred background in one or several of the following: hardwood silviculture, forest ecology, botany, or related area. Candidates can simultaneously obtain a minor in GIS, if so desired.

The student may need to spend long days in forested habitat and mountainous terrain in adverse weather conditions. The annual research assistantship is $20,000.

Interested applicants should send (preferably by email) a letter of application describing their academic and work experience related to the subproject, research interests, Curriculum Vitae, unofficial GRE scores, unofficial transcripts of college level academic work, and names and full contact information, including email and phone number, of at least 3 professional references to: Dr. Luben Dimov, Center for Forestry and Ecology, P.O. Box 1927, Normal, AL 35762,, phone: 256-372-4545, fax: 256-372-8404. Applications will be reviewed as they are received. There is a possibility of acceptance even before the spring semester.

The Forestry program in the Center for Forestry and Ecology is accredited by the Society of American Foresters. Minority applicants are especially encouraged to apply. The funding agency requires the student to be an American citizen or permanent American resident.

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