Graduate assistantship in stream ecology at Loyola University Chicago ~

8 de noviembre de 2005

Graduate assistantship in stream ecology at Loyola University Chicago

A graduate student assistantship is available for a highly motivated
student interested in stream ecosystem research. Student will be involved
in a recently-funded research project measuring the basal food resources
(including primary and secondary production and food web energetics)
available for the endangered Humpback Chub in the Colorado River within the
Grand Canyon. Research will be conducted in the Grand Canyon, and intense
field work involving 4 river trips (2-3 week duration each) will be
necessary. The selected student will participate in research design, field
data collection, data analysis and publication. The student will be
expected to develop their thesis in an area complimenting the proposed
research. Student will join a dynamic research team composed of two co-
PIs, a post-doctoral research associate, graduate and undergraduate
students and collaborators at the Grand Canyon Monitoring and Research
Center Student and will be encouraged to begin research in June 2006.

For more information contact:

Dr. Emma Rosi-Marshall
Department of Biology
Loyola University Chicago
6525 N. Sheridan Rd
Chicago IL 60626

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