Graduate Research Opportunities in Tropical Stream Ecology ~

9 de diciembre de 2006

Graduate Research Opportunities in Tropical Stream Ecology

Two graduate research assistantships are available for a highly motivated
students interested in tropical stream ecosystems. Both positions will be
associated with a recently initiated research designed to examine feedbacks
between ecological and evolutionary processes. More specifically,
ecosystem-scale manipulations (predator abundance and light manipulations)
will be used to examine guppy and killifish life history evolution,
population dynamics, community structure and ecosystem dynamics. The
positions advertised here will be associated with the ecosystem component
of the study in which isotope tracer experiments (15N-NH4) and metabolism
measurements will be used to quantify experimental conditions, construct
nutrient flow food webs, and assess ecosystem scale impacts of species
introduction and subsequent life history evolution.

Successful candidates will have the opportunity to work closely with
researchers and fellow graduate students from UC-Riverside, Cornell
University, Univ. of Georgia, and several other institutions. Field work
associated with this project will be conducted in Trinidad's northern
mountain range. Successful candidates will participate in research design,
field experimentation, data analysis, and publication. Because students
will spend extended periods of time in Trinidad conducting research in
montane rain forests, applicants with extensive travel/field experience are
encouraged to apply. To apply, individuals should submit a cover letter
that includes a brief review of your research experience/interests/goals (2
pg max), a CV, transcripts, and a list of references to:

Dr. Steve Thomas,
School of Natural Resources,
523 Hardin Hall
University of Nebraska,
Lincoln, NE 68583-0995.

To learn more about graduate studies at the University of Nebraska and to
request an application form, see the School of Natural Resource web site
( Application deadline is open until positions are

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