Junior Group Leader in Ecology or Evolution ~ Bioblogia.net

27 de junio de 2007

Junior Group Leader in Ecology or Evolution

The Unit of Ecology & Evolution of the Department of Biology at Fribourg
University, Switzerland, invites applications for a junior group leader
position ("maitre-assistant") in the field of Ecology or Evolution.

We are seeking a highly motivated scientist with post-doctoral experience, a
strong publication record, and the will to develop an independent research
group within the Unit. Applications are invited from researchers in any area
of Ecology and Evolution. Applicants will be expected to develop an
externally funded and internationally recognized research program. Attached
to the position is a 50% lab technician, funded by the university. Teaching
duties include participation in undergraduate courses, and an advanced
Master-level course in the applicant's research area. Undergraduate teaching
in either German or French would be desirable, but English is also possible.
Master-level teaching is in English.

The University of Fribourg provides excellent facilities and a stimulating
intellectual and social environment. The Department of Biology comprises 14
research groups organized in three Units. The Unit of Ecology & Evolution
consists of five groups studying plant population ecology, invasive plant
species, community ecology in agricultural landscapes, and evolutionary
genetics of subdivided populations (http://www.unifr.ch/biol/ecology).

Fribourg is a very pleasant and lively medium-sized town in the centre of
Switzerland (less than one hour from Lausanne, Bern, and Neuchatel). The old
town is charming and holds one of the finest remnant of medieval
architecture in Europe. Students account for more than one fourth of the

The position is open starting 1 September 2007, and is limited to five
years. Annual salary starts at about CHF 90'000 (ca. EUR 55'000). To apply,
please send a CV with a list of publications, a brief (less than 1 page)
statement of general research interests and planned research, as well as the
names and e-mail addresses of two referees in a single pdf-file to Catherine
Cuennet: catherine.cuennet@unifr.ch. The deadline for application is 30 June

For further information contact Louis-Felix Bersier, Unit of Ecology and
Evolution, Ch. du Musee 10, CH-1700 Fribourg, Switzerland tel +41 26 300
8869; fax +41 26 300 9698; louis-felix.bersier@unifr.ch

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