WANTED: 12 interns for 12 different protected areas all over Europe ~ Bioblogia.net

15 de junio de 2007

WANTED: 12 interns for 12 different protected areas all over Europe

To promote the project within the EUROPARC network and beyond, the first step is to give

twelve young persons interested in nature conservation the opportunity to carry out an

internship in a European protected area under the following conditions:

Duration of internship three months from May to August 2008 (approximately).

Payment 500 EUR per month (1.500 EUR total) through the EUROPARC project.

The task of the intern includes:

o Introduce and promote the internship exchange in the country the intern

is staying, both amongst organisations which offer internships and

those which search for and arrange internships. (45%)

o Support the protected area in its daily work or taking part in a project in

the protected area. (45%)

o Translation work for the protected area. (10%)

Each intern will be invited to attend one introduction and one evaluation seminar which will

last 2-3 days each. The introduction seminar is scheduled for fall 2007 and aims at

explaining all interns and parks’ representatives (mentors) their tasks. The evaluation

seminar is planned for fall 2008 and will draw the project to an end including a project

evaluation and a collection of recommendations for the further maintenance of the website.

Information here:


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