Position as Research Scientist in Animal Behaviour ~ Bioblogia.net

17 de julio de 2007

Position as Research Scientist in Animal Behaviour

The newly set up Independent Junior Research Group at the
Max-Planck-Institute in Seewiesen (close to Munich/Starnberg, Germany)
is offering a

Position as Research Scientist in Animal Behaviour

We are looking for a behavioural scientist for an investigation
of sexual signalling in birds. The project will focus on the use,
information content and costs of song amplitude. The aim is to bridge
proximate mechanisms and the behavioural ecology of sexual signals by
relating song production to endocrine mechanisms and metabolic costs,
as well as to individual fitness.

The project will combine field and laboratory work. It will be based at
the Max Planck Institute for Ornithology, but also will require field
work in the French Alps.

We are seeking a highly motivated scientist with a strong background in
animal behaviour. A PhD and and very good experimental and analytical
skills in bioacoustics are required; a ringing license would be helpful.

The successful candidate will join an independent junior research group
headed by Dr. Henrik Brumm. The Max Planck Institute offers excellent
working conditions and facilities of the highest standards. The working
language of the research group is German and English. The position is
funded for a duration of three years, and is aimed to start as soon as
possible. Salary will be according to TvöD 13 (formerly BAT IIa).

The Max Planck Society is an equal opportunity employer. Disabled persons
with comparable qualifications receive preferential status.

To apply, please send a cover letter describing your research interests,
a complete CV, publication list and names of two referees by email to
Postdoc.Birdsong@orn.mpg.de. Closing date: 6 Aug 2007. For informal
inquiries please contact. Dr. Henrik Brumm at brumm@orn.mpg.de.

Max Planck Institute for Ornithology
Communication and Social Behaviour Group
Haus Nr. 11
D-82305 Starnberg (Seewiesen), Germany

Internet: www.orn.mpg.de

Dr. Henrik Brumm
Max Planck Institute for Ornithology
Communication and Social Behaviour Group
Post Box 1564
82305 Starnberg/Seewiesen

Tel.: +49 (0)8157 932 355
Fax: +49 (0)8157 932 344

Henrik Brumm <brumm@mail.orn.mpg.de>

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